Salary Calculator

Benchmarking for employers, salary comparison for employees

Whether you are looking to benchmark against one of your advertised roles or you want to check you’re being paid the right amount, our salary calculator can be a great guide. Using four major factors that can alter a salary; location, years experience, company size and sector, our salary calculator will calculate an approximate salary range for your chosen job. Simply complete the quick drop downs and click ‘Calculate’.

Try it now and see what results you get.

Intaso Salary Calculator



Years Experience

Company Size


Salary Output


Most popular jobs

The most popular jobs being looked at through our salary calculator.

Can't find the job you're looking for?

We are a boutique head hunting and talent solution firm for the cyber and Information security market, meaning we have only included jobs we specialise in. We will look to add more cyber and security jobs in the future so if you can’t find the job you are looking for now, check back soon.

Can’t wait that long and need to know now? Get in touch with us and let us know what job you want benchmarking.